Small Appliances
Chapmans stock a wide range of Small Appliances including leading brands such as Bosch, Dyson, Shark and Ninja. We also have some great offers on many products as highlighted below. Our click and collect service is ideal if you want to choose your next small appliance from the comfort of your home and then use our free car park when you call to collect from our store in Cradley Heath.
All small appliances under £100 delivered to almost anywhere in mainland UK for only £5. Over £100 FREE delivery in local area, £5 charge still applies elsewhere
£19.99Delivery in 1 to 3 working days
£19.99Delivery in 1 to 3 working days
£19.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£22.99Delivery in 1 to 3 working days
£22.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£23.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£23.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£23.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£23.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£23.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£23.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£23.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£23.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£24.99Delivery in 1 to 3 working days
£24.99Delivery in 1 to 3 working days
£24.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
£24.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
Now £24.99 Was £44.99 Save £20.00Delivery in 1 to 3 working days
Now £25.00 Was £29.99 Save £4.99Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
Now £26.99 Was £42.00 Save £15.01Available for purchase please phone for delivery date on 01384 566497
Now £29.00 Was £34.99 Save £5.99Delivery in 1 to 3 working days